Cheater Chicken Curry: Gluten-Free and Paleo-Friendly

This dish was a happy accident on a what-in-the-world-are-we-having-for-dinner-tonight day this week. Our plans with extended family fell through and I had zero time to hit a grocery store, so I rummaged through the freezer, grabbing some chicken breasts and mango chunks, and a lonely jar of salsa in the Lazy Susan. I threw it all in the slow cooker and hoped for the best.

Eight hours later I returned home with my hungry brood, and the sweet, spicy and savory aroma in my house reminded me of the incredible Mango Chicken Curry recipe from Shauna Niequist’s Bread and Wine (I know, it’s the only cookbook I ever mention — I swear I do have others). On an inspired whim, I threw some more spices into the slow cooker — ginger, garlic, sweet curry powder, and a pinch of salt.

I fork-shredded the chicken, cooked and fried some shirataki rice (more on that below), and garnished the bowl with cilantro.

It was DELICIOUS, and I mean bolded, all-caps, excessive exclamation points delicious.

Give it a try when you want big flavor with zero fuss.

Cheater Chicken Curry: Gluten Free and Paleo Friendly

  • 2-3 pounds chicken breast
  • 1 jar tomato-based salsa
  • 8-10 ounces frozen mango chunks
  • 2-3 t. curry powder (I used Penzey’s Sweet Curry Powder)
  • 1/2 t. ground ginger
  • 1/2 t. garlic powder
  • salt to taste
  • 1/4 t. ground cayenne pepper (optional)

Throw it all together in the crockpot and cook on low for eight hours. Eat it straight out of the slow cooker or garnish with cilantro, a squirt of lime or lemon, or any other flavor punch that fits the bill — or the bowl.

Enjoy by candlelight with a nice glass of Chardonnay, or if you’re classy like me, spoon it into your mouth while sitting on the closed toilet lid during bath time.


Begging dog optional.

*A note on shirataki products – my husband and I have been eating a pretty-much-Paleo diet since July and have never felt better in all our lives. The Paleo diet is completely grain free, but every now and then I make a dish that just doesn’t seem right without some bulky starch. Enter shirataki rice.

If you’ve never used shirataki rice, it’s those strange little translucent pearls in a shelf-stable bag of liquid. It is soy free, gluten free, non-GMO, vegan, and extremely low calorie (15 cals for the whole bag in the brand I use).

So what is it? Shirataki is made from the Konjac tuber– a root vegetable. The end product is mosty fiber, and while it’s debatable whether or not shirataki has a place on a Paleo table, I’m okay eating it once every month or two in my pretty-much-Paleo diet.

How to prepare it: When you open the bag, there’s a briney, fishy odor, but the rice does not have a fishy taste after rinsing and boiling for a minute each. If you ask me, the key to improving the texture is AFTER rinsing well and boiling the rice for a minute, spread it in a skillet and fry it on low until it’s dry.


Is it exactly like rice? Of course not. It’s a little chewier — maybe a bit rubbery. But I like it, and it adds a nice bulk to curries and Mexican dishes.

Have you tried shirataki rice or noodles? How do you like ’em?

Check out more recipes here –>

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15 thoughts on “Cheater Chicken Curry: Gluten-Free and Paleo-Friendly

  1. So you grabbed some mango chunks but they are not in the ingredients?! Could you please explain the mango component – thanks!


    1. Oh goodness, thank you for catching this mistake! I updated the recipe above. I used a 10-ounce pouch of frozen mango chunks. Using mango or peach salsa would also add that wonderful sweetness. Thanks again! Stacy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yummy!

    On Oct 14, 2016 8:57 AM, “REVISIONS OF GRANDEUR” wrote:

    > Stacy posted: “This dish was a happy accident on a > what-in-the-world-are-we-having-for-dinner-tonight day this week. Our > plans with extended family fell through and I had zero time to hit a > grocery store, so I rummaged through the freezer, grabbing some chicken > breasts ” >


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