To Miles on Your Eleventh Birthday

To my youngest son, Miles,

You are eleven years old today. The presents are wrapped. The party games are ready. The piñata is stuffed with chocolate and fruity candies. In a couple hours, we’ll head to Grandma and Uppa’s house to celebrate you with our extended family. 

But right now, I’m sitting here in my sweats in the sunny window thinking about the boy you are at eleven years old. 

There are so many things I love about you, Miles. Your squinty-eyed smile. Your gentle spirit. Your willingness to share with others. 

I love how loud and high-pitched your voice is when you’re really happy. How giggly you are when you joke with your cousin, Emmett. How grateful you are when someone does something simple for you like makes you a snack or buys you a pizza. You once hugged me three times and told me I made the BEST HOT DOGS OF ANYONE ANYWHERE. You are so free with your “thank-you’s” and it makes everyone feel good to be around you. 

When I think of you at eleven, I will think of you carting Ollie Cat around the house and saying, “Mom, just look at this cat. Is he not the cutest, nicest kitty in the world?”

I will think of you saying to me before you boys go out to walk the dogs, “If we’re not back in twenty minutes, come find us,” then winking at me and clicking your tongue. And I’ll think of you walking back down the street toward home in that stained red hoodie you wear every single day, Lucky trotting happily along by your side. 

When I think of you at eleven, I’ll think of you sitting at your laptop with your headphones on, laughing with your brothers and Emmett and Jack and Ayden as you play your boy games that I’ll never understand. 

I’ll think of you pogo-sticking around the yard yelling “Look, Mom! Look at me jump! Twenty-six…twenty-seven…”

I’ll think of you sitting on a pail in the barn with your hand outstretched to a little lamb. Your brothers typically head back to the house as soon as chores are done, but you like to linger with the animals and me…watching, noticing, enjoying. 

Last week, Dad was out of town and I was down sick for the day when two baby goats were born. I peeled myself out of bed to check on them and make sure the babies were warm and dry in the cold afternoon. I was dead tired, dragging myself along, mustering the energy to set up the heat lamp, clip and clean umbilical cords, and get mama goat some extra nourishment after her labor. I turned around and there you were. “What should I do, Mumma?” you asked, knowing I needed you… knowing our animals needed you. You helped me set up the warming hut for the babies and get Honey situated with her food and water. We fawned over how cute the goat kids were and how happy we were that Honey had twins so they’d each have a play buddy. And even though I was sick and tired, my heart was so happy to be in the cozy barn with you.

I have a thousand “thank-you’s” for you too, Miles. Thanks for loving me. Thanks for being kind. Thanks for being my trusty sidekick and snuggle pal. Thanks for reminding us all that nachos are a breakfast food and every animal we own is the best animal ever. Thanks for enjoying life so dang much that everyone around you enjoys it more too. 

Happy eleventh birthday, Miles. I love you more than you know!


4 thoughts on “To Miles on Your Eleventh Birthday

  1. Sounds like a very special boy, indeed. Thanks for expressing what all of us moms want to do – recognize, acknowledge and THANK our kids for being exactly who they are – unique, special, and most of all, ours. ❤️

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