Take Me to a Place

I have a wild heart. I’ve known it forever.

As a girl, I was drawn to the fastest, highest, spinny-est rides at the carnival.

My favorite novelty at summer camp was riding the knotted rope swing out over Hagerman Lake, then letting go and free-falling into the water. At winter retreats, I always said YES to the Polar Bear Swim, running from sauna to frozen lake, then plunging into the frigid waters through an opening cut in the ice.

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7 thoughts on “Take Me to a Place

  1. Stacy , Just finished reading about the family that lost their 2 children, So so sad , my heart goes out to them. Thank you for sharing them. I just love to read your blog. I never knew you were so good at writing , you go girl , would love to hear you speak sometime too. GOD bless you !!!Doris


    1. Doris,

      Yes, the Kleikamp’s story is heart-wrenching, yet they continue putting love out into the world. Remarkable.

      I am tickled that you are enjoying my blog, Doris! It is so much fun for writers to receive feedback — I hope you don’t spoil me 😉 Thank you so very much for your kind encouragement. Writing is truly my passion and calling!




  2. I am so thankful that you have the heart of an adventurer, our life is not for the faint of heart. I am so thankful to chase after each and every wild adventure we find ourselves on, thanks for keeping your spirit and spunk. I see so much wildness in our children and I am determined to encourage all the wild rumpuses I can. Thanks for sharing your heart, great post.


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